Thursday, January 19, 2012

Jobs Now! MLK's Dream and FDR's Vision

Jobs Now sponsored event: MLK's Dream and FDR's Vision at UMKC Jan. 19 2012.  Warning: these recordings are pretty crude.

Video Links and Descriptions:

I missed the first few minutes of this presentation. But the general idea is that the Government sector was once able to successfully employ people and improve the community through an interwar jobs program called the Works Progress Administration or WPA. The WPA not only provided jobs, but also developed infrastructure that boosted economic growth all over the nation and continues to benefit American communities over 70 years later.

Dr. Kelton only touches briefly on the true nature of money. But this might be an inspiration for people to dig into the New Economic Perspectives segment: Modern Money Primer.

Discussion and analysis of Dr. King's statements concerning the connection between economic opportunity and social justice.

The View from Kansas City presented by Linwood Tauheed 

Discussion and comparison of local and national economic and employment trends. Dr. Tauheed's presentation reminded me of the community map made by my 5th-7th grade Community Organizing Students at KIPP Endeavor Academy in KCMO in 2009. KIPP Students had no problem identifying the problems that develop as a result of economic marginalization of the black community in KC.